Product 4
Daily Weekly Monthly Sale
Where to rent BLOWER MANHOLE GAS 8 H in Tulsa OK
$49.00 $58.00 $174.00 $522.00
Where to rent BLOWER, MANHOLE ELEC. 8 in Tulsa OK
$30.00 $49.00 $147.00 $441.00
Where to rent DEHUMIDIFIER LGR 75 80 PPD in Tulsa OK
$73.00 $292.00 $876.00
Where to rent DRYER CARPET FAN C in Tulsa OK
$18.00 $30.00 $90.00 $210.00
Where to rent ROUND SQUARE 44  FANS____ in Tulsa OK
$33.00 $99.00 $264.00
Where to rent SPACE HEATER kerosene fired in Tulsa OK
$35.00 $50.00 $150.00 $385.00
Where to rent VENT BLOWER  DUCT 8 -15    25 in Tulsa OK
$11.00 $33.00 $86.00

* Prices are subject to change. Tax and other fees are not shown in this price estimate.

* Please call us with questions about our heaters/fans/blower rentals in Tulsa OK, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Bixby, Owasso, and all of Green Country.